
PACKAGE ON-GRID 1KW (Solar Panel and Inverter Told Complete Grid-attached)

Last Updated
02 May 2023
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PACKAGE ON-GRID 1KW (Solar Power Generator 2 - 4 kWh per day)

(Solar Panel / Solar Panel / Grid-Tied Inverter / Complete / Inverter dan Konverter)

ON-GRID PV SYSTEM is a SOLAR POWER PLANT which is a GENSET Solar Power without using Battery Storage / Accu which directly converts Solar Energy into AC 220V Electricity Energy so that it can be directly used and also directly can reduce PLN Electricity Expense Cost you.

ROOFTOP ON GRID-PV SYSTEM, GRID-CONNECTED, UTILITY-INTERACTIVE, GRID-INTERTIE & GRID-BACKFEEDING: are all terms used to describe the same concept -> PLTS connected directly to PLN Power Network.

The ON-GRID PV System works in parallel with the PLN power grid to supply additional electrical energy needed at home / office / hotel / dipabrik / cooperative / dimini-market / direstaurant and many others.

ROOFTOP ON-GRID PV System has been specially designed to be synchronized with the PLN Power system network so that there is no need to worry about conflict between phase, voltage, current & frequency.

ROOFTOP ON-GRID PV This system is very suitable and can only be applied to locations that have been served by PLN Electricity Network especially in urban areas. Thus we have 2 (two) sources of electrical energy to supply the electrical needs in our place of the Electricity PLN and from the Solar Panel.

Application Example:

Suppose we have an installed power of 1500W from PLN and we install a ROOFTOP ON-Grid PV System system of 2000W, then the total power we have at home to 3500W during the day.

His system will work as follows:

1. If we use the load in our house for 1500W during the day then all the electrical energy needs will be supplied from Solar Panel, in this condition we will see that kWH Meter PLN will record the excess production of electricity from Solar Panel sent to PLN distribution network ( the term is Electrical Energy in the IMPORT of Solar Panel at our home).

2. Then if we activate / use the load in our house for 2500W during the day then the energy will be supplied by Solar Panel of 2000W and the rest will be supplied from PLN Power Network of 500W (the latest term is Energy Electricity in EXPORT by PLN to cover our needs). In this condition the electrical energy from PLN is needed to cover the required power deficit by 2500W load installed at our home.

3. If we activate / use our home weights only 500W only during the day then the total energy will be supplied by our installed Solar Panel of 2000W (PV Priority) which is where we will see the excess power supply of 1500W. ..!

Where will the excess power goes?

Excess power will be discharged out of our house to Utility Grid or PLN Electricity distribution network (IMPORT Mode).

Well this is the condition we are looking forward to where we are selling (save / deposit the most appropriate term) excess electrical energy generated by Solar Panel installed at our home to PLN.

The result of electrical energy savings / deposits is what we can use at night / the next day when our Solar Panel home does not work because of the absence of Sunlight ...!

Condition of how to make the sale-purchase (net-metering transactions) can be done ,,,?

Yes we have to use the kWH Meter EXIM (which can record the process of EXport-IMport electrical energy) and must use GRID-TIED INVERTER (GTI) device that is responsible for converting DC Solar Panel current into AC 220V current which can be used immediately and this tool must always in sync with PLN electricity network because we follow into PLN network traffic traffic (we are obliged to obey & follow the applicable regulations).

***) For further information on product details and availability of goods please contact us at: 0812-90252315, 0811-9178989, 0812-97974650

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