
OFF-GRID PACKAGE 5000W (Panel Inverter solar power and SMART?)

Rp. 240,000,000
Last Updated
02 May 2023
Minimum Order
1 set

(Solar Panel / Solar Panel / SMART Inverter / Battery / Complete System / Inverter dan Konverter)

PACKAGE OFF-GRID 5000W (Solar Power Plant)

OFF-GRID PV System is a Solar Power System that rely solely on Sunlight as the only Main Energy Source by using only PhotoVoltaic / Solar Cell module to produce electrical energy as needed.

OFF-GRID PV System is commonly used in areas that are frequently exposed to PLN PLNS on a routine basis or remote border / remote areas and not yet reached by the PLN power grid.

The OFF-GRID PV package we offer is using a very COMPACT " SMART INVERTER " and is the latest technology so there is no need to use equipment that needs to be installed as in the previous generation of Off-Grid PV System, just plug the Solar Panel / Solar Panel, SMART Inverter and Battery Storage then you already have a SOLAR POWER SOLAR POWER PLANT that is "GENSET POWER SUN" free of Pollution, free of fuel, free of noise and free from OFF LAMP.

The SMART Inverter we use in this package has INPUT 2 pieces: INPUT PV (Solar Panel) and INPUT AC 220V (PLN, Generator, etc) so that in extreme weather where the sun is closed clouds / dark continuously for 2 -3 days PV System will continue to operate because its Battery Storage charging system is taken over by INPUT AC 220V coming from PLN electricity or other Electrical Generator ...!

The OFF-GRID 5000W PACKAGE we offer includes:

  • 20 sheets of Polycrystalline 250Wp Solar Panel.
  • 1 unit SMART Inverter 5000W.
  • 16 units Deep Cycle Gel Battery 12V / 100Ah.
  • 1 set of Aluminum Rail for Solar Panel Mount Frame.
  • 1 Set Material Setup (Solar Cell Cable, Power Cord, AC / DC Isolation, Box Panel, etc).


- Prices listed above do not include Installation Fee.

- Backup time for 5-6 hours with Nominal Load (≈ 80% of capacity).

- For further information on product details and availability of goods please contact us at: 0812-90252315, 0811-9178989, 0812-97974650

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